Transparency, coordination and ambition: Delivering gender equality through ESG

The APPG’s inaugural report on the ‘S’ pillar of ESG addresses gender equality in both entrepreneurship and the corporate world, drawing attention to the importance of raising awareness, encouraging disclosures of disaggregated data, and ensuring the materiality of gender equality and broader diversity meet with appropriate corporate governance provisions. Other key themes include: ESG frameworks for tracking progress and meeting investor expectations, internal talent pipelines to ensure more women rise up the corporate ladder and into the boardroom, and fairer treatment for female entrepreneurs with the aid of ESG practices and principles.

Defining ESG

The APPG has published this report to aid parliamentarians’ understanding of ESG with the aim of injecting momentum into the UK Government’s policy agenda, which should, in the group’s view, include a dedicated ESG strategy. The report was based on roundtables of the APPG over the last twelve months, supplemented by insight provided by the group’s Advisory Board and secondary research. The publication features case studies from BAE Systems, CBRE Investment Management, ESG Book,, and KPMG UK. 

The report provides a straightforward definition of ESG, adding context to the major drivers behind its growth and addressing the key topic of materiality. The report also seeks to highlight ESG’s capacity to align public policy objectives with commercial ones, providing insight into the need for Government intervention to ensure ESG data is accurate and comparable.

The UK Green Taxonomy

This report is based on input to meetings and evidence sessions of the APPG on ESG held between September and October 2022. Additionally the secretariat (College Green Group) issued a call for case studies and undertook supplementary research. It is funded by the APPG’s sponsors: BAE Systems, Bayer, CBRE Investment Management, CSR Accreditation, EMK Capital, ESG Book, KPMG UK, Rigby Group, Sage, Shore Capital, and Six Group. 
This is not an official publication of the House of Commons or the House of Lords. It has not been approved by either House or its committees. All-Party Parliamentary Groups are informal groups of Members of both Houses with a common interest in particular issues. The views expressed in this report are those of the group.

The APPG has transferred its activities to the Policy Liaison Group on ESG and is no longer active. You can find all the group’s roundtable summaries, minutes and reports until the 31st of March 2024 on this site.